Tuesday 1 February 2011

Women over 40 have more Facebook friends than their children, study claims

Women over 40 have more Facebook friends than their children, study claims

Women over 40 tend to have up to four times as many Facebook friends as their children, according to new research.

Mothers were able to capitalise on their wide range of contacts, including friends of their children and even their parents, to collect thousands of friends on Facebook Photo: ALAMY10:45AM GMT 31 Jan 2011

The study also identified six different categories of users including those who use the social networking site to build business contacts, charity crusaders who send out constant awareness-raising status updates, and others who simply want to stay in touch with family and friends

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The research, based on an analysis of 2,000 Facebook users found that mothers were able to capitalise on their wide range of contacts, including friends of their children and even their parents, to collect thousands of friends.

Tammi Williams, who conducted the study, said: "One reason is because, when you get to 45 or 50 you have not only your friends, but your children's friends, acquaintances from school and others.

"Children and teenagers tend to stick to their own age group."

The survey found that the biggest group of Facebook users is the 'Feel-Gooders' - people who enjoy the community spirit of Facebook and seeing what their friends are doing.

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Ms Williams said: "They like to collect as many people as they can.

"They get involved in games like Farmville and like sending virtual gifts to their neighbours.

"Feel-Gooders love the community spirit of Facebook and the chance it gives them to learn about other people's cultures."

The second biggest group is 'Do-Gooders', who use Facebook as a tool to raise awareness of a campaign or cause - and also the group least likely to reveal personal information.

At the opposite end was the 'All About Me' group - 'peacocks' who use Facebook to flaunt their successes, latest purchases and the other "minutiae of their life".

Ms Williams called these women the "ones most women love to hate".

She said: "They don't care if they lose a friend or two along the way - they're definitely not interested in other people."

The other groups identified in the survey, conducted by greeting cards company Suga Lumps, included 'Friends and Family' - people with a small circle of close friends, and women using Facebook as a "glorified dating site".

The final group - 'Business Bodies' - use social media to take any opportunity to plug their latest business venture or project.

Ms Williams said: "The most interesting thing, if you look at the research, you can identify these types of people quite easily from looking at their Facebook page.

"You probably have a few of them in your own friends list already."

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