Friday 6 May 2011

Advice from Principal examiner

1. Divide your time sensibly. 1a &b 1/2 hour each, one hour for section B.

2. 1a is all about you, 1b is all about the work.

Both are about applying theory to practical work and the creative process.

3. Prepare to write about all of the concepts and all of your productions so you can respond to the question set.

Examples are crucial. Decide which eg you will use in 1b and apply your theory to it.

4. Section B is about a deep understanding of a complicated media issue. Make sure you answer the question that is actually set.

5. You need lots of reading, lots of your own examples and a clear balanced argument, plus make connections.

6. Most of your egs should be from the last 5 years, theory may be older than that.

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