Tuesday 10 May 2011

Timed essay, use this essay plan to do a timed essay, it would be useful to look at each others afterwards. Remember to use up to date examples.

‘Without convergence the internet would be obsolete’. How far do you agree or disagree with this statement in terms of audiences and institutions

Intro: quote from David Gauntlett.
Watch his video about his new publication here and here. His new theory 'making is connecting' is very relevant to answer this question, so find a pithy quote to link to the question.

Para 1. directly address the question, define convergence. This site gives you a very academic definition which you could paraphrase and use some of the theorists names.

This site gives you a powerpoint about convergence in terms of the film industry (which you did last year).

Then there is always this easy peasy definition, Media convergence is defined as some form of cross-media cooperation, usually involving broadcast stations, print outlets and Internet sites.
But read all of them before you write!.

Obsolete means having no meaning, function or role.

So would the internet be obsolete? I would say no, but it would be extremely limited and its future in doubt.

Para 2. you need to think historically, can you remember a world without google? When the internet started you needed to know the exact URLs. The invention of search engines expanded its usefulness.

Para 3. Think about he Virtual Revolution documentary, the answer to this question is basically in that! How 20 years of the web has changed our lives.
Look at this site and watch the clips before you go any further.

Para 4, 5, 6, 8 look for examples of effectts on instution and audience from the VR and write at least two para s on each.

Para 9. Refer back to the question. Would it be obsolete? What are the implications for the future? Always consider this point, no matter what the question is for this unit. 

Web 3.0, even more convergence, cheaper, faster, digital natives, globalisation should all be mentioned. 

Email your response to me but also look at each others and consider what other people have included and how could they improve.

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