Tuesday 10 May 2011

Henry Jenkins

Spend some time researching these links

Henry Jenkins writes a lot about convergence in the online age, exactly what you need to know about.

He is involved in The Convergence Culture Consortium (C3) which explores the ways the business landscape is changing in response to the growing integration of content and brands across media platforms and the increasingly prominent roles that consumers are playing in shaping the flow of media.

Here are some pithy quotes about his interests that I picked up when researching his work. I'd like you all to get at least two quotes of your own, think about what he is saying and how you could incorporate one of these quotes into your timed essays. 

'We need to embrace the potentials of participatory culture even as we critique the exploitative practices of web 2.0. We need to understand the ways that digital media does and does not transform the terrain upon which debates about media policy are occurring.'At the heart of Fish's account of Free Press's gathering was a question which has haunted my own recent work as well: "Is the open, decentralized, accessible and diverse internet - by which media production, citizen journalism and community collaboration have been recently democratized - becoming closed, centralized and homogenous as it begins to look and feel more like the elite-controlled cable television system?"

"My own way forwards towards these goals has been to promote what I call participatory culture, to expand opportunities for people of all backgrounds to produce and share media with each other. I work to promote media reform through advancing the cause of media literacy and defending opportunities to participate through new media channels."

Remember, you should still be following the revision timetable I gave you in your handouts before hols, here is another copy of it in case you have mislaid it.
Revision plan A2

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