Monday 16 May 2011

Work for this week

Hello, so sorry not to be with you last week. I had an accident last weekend and sustained concussion which has made me feel really ill. I hope to be back in school on Friday. So in the meantime you need to keep an eye on the blogs and get on with preparing timed essays. You can email them to me and I will try and return them as soon as is possible. Still have had no responses from some of you. Use the revision plan pamphlet that I gave to you some weeks ago to ensure you are on task.

A couple of points, Lily, Melania and Brooke, you all need to put your candidate number in the title of your blog. Lily, you need to upload a larger version of your video to you tube as the font on the version you have is all fuzzy.

Everyone else, please check this link to ensure that your blog is the correct version as this is the hub that is being sent to the examiner.

Now that everyones advanced portfolios are completed, well done.
This would be a good time to start preparing for the Critical Perspectives exam.

Read this article from Long road.
Make notes on it and incorporate your own knowledge of audience, using Gauntlett, Jenkins and Hall to answer the following question.

'What impact did your understanding of the theory of audience have on one of your productions?'

Tomorrow you should focus on Narrative and use this document to provide the theory back up.

Answer this question

'How important is narrative in creating a media product? Answer with close reference to one or more of your productions'.

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